Critical Financial Assistance – Eligibility
Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance Program strives to provide financial help for military families. Below outlines service member eligibility, required documentation, and assistance types.
Wounded, Ill, Injured
Actively served in the United States military post 9/11 and sustained a wound, illness, or injury in the line of duty. If discharged, must have received an Honorable or General (Under Honorable Conditions) and be within 10 years of separation.
Documents Required:
- DD214 (if discharged)
- Line of duty documentation or other official record of a wound, illness, or injury being sustained in the line of duty
- Documentation of all household income
Eligible for Assistance Types:
- Auto Payment
- Auto Repair
- Child and Dependent Care
- Critical Baby Items
- Dental
- Essential Home Items
- Food Assistance
- Home Repairs*
- Medical
- Moving and Relocation
- Rent and Mortgage
- Travel and Transportation
- Utilities
- Vision Care
- Other
A service member of rank E-1 to E-6 with DEERS eligible/legal dependents AND one of the following criteria met:
- Currently deployed to an overseas location and receiving Hostile Fire Pay
- Assigned to a ship that has been at sea for 30+ days and is en route to theater, forward deployed, or otherwise on a mission status – not a training status.
- On unaccompanied, overseas PCS orders and receiving Hostile Fire Pay
- National Guard member or Reservist on Title 10 orders (not Title 32) who either:
- Will deploy to an overseas Hostile Fire Pay theater in the next 90 days
- Has returned from an overseas Hostile Fire Pay theater within the last 180 days
Documents Required:
- Copy of deployment orders
- Documentation of all household income
Eligible for Assistance Types:
- Auto Payment
- Auto Repair
- Child and Dependent Care
- Critical Baby Items
- Dental
- Essential Home Items
- Food Assistance
- Home Repairs*
- Medical
- Moving and Relocation
- Rent and Mortgage
- Travel and Transportation
- Utilities
- Vision Care
- Other
Active-duty service members of rank E-1 to E-6 with DEERS eligible/legal dependents can also receive financial help for their military families.
Documents Required:
- Military ID
- Documentation of all household income
Eligible for Assistance Types:
- Food Assistance
- Vision Care (for dependents only)
*Please note that home repairs can be considered for all post 9/11 wounded service members. Limited home repair assistance can be considered for deployed eligible service members.