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operation homefront's critical financial assistance page

Critical Financial Assistance Program®

Do you need help with overdue bills, repairs, or other critical family needs? We may be able to help!

Are you an active-duty military member or a veteran struggling to make ends meet? Are you deployed or dealing with a service-connected wound, illness, or injury? If so, you are not alone. Fortunately, there are organizations that help veterans financially during times of financial crisis, such as Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance Program.

Our program is designed to provide short-term financial help for military families who are experiencing financial hardship. To find out if you qualify, please review our eligibility criteria. If you have any questions, please feel free to check out our FAQs or give us a call at 1-877-264-3968 (toll-free).

Application Process

The process includes a 10-day Application and Initial Processing Period (Days 1-10), a 10-day Evaluation and Review Period (Days 11-20), and a 10-day Notification and Final Processing Period (Days 21 to end of month).

STEP 1: Submit your application for initial processing by creating an account or logging in to our portal My Operation Homefront.

STEP 2: We will review your application and contact you for any additional information.

STEP 3: The case is evaluated and, if approved, you will be notified.

PLEASE NOTE: We understand that families seeking critical financial assistance are facing significant stress and pressure to address urgent needs. Please know that our caseworkers are working diligently to process your request as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Documents Needed to Apply:

Wounded, Ill, or injured

  • DD214 (if discharged)
  • Line of duty documentation or other official records of a wound, illness, or injury being sustained in the line of duty
  • Documentation of all household income


  • Copy of deployment orders
  • Documentation of all household income


  • Military ID
  • Documentation of all household income

Click the “Get Started” button below to go to My Operation Homefront and create an account or log in to start your application for assistance.

At this organization that helps veterans financially, Operation Homefront understands that financial struggles can quickly become chronic challenges if not addressed in a timely manner. That’s why we’re grateful to have the support of our partners, who share our commitment to helping military families in need. Thanks to their generosity, we can provide critical financial assistance to those who need it most. So if you’re experiencing instability, don’t hesitate to contact us for help. Together, we can get through this!

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