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Family Story

Self-Employed Veteran Receives Rent Assistance

By Operation Homefront

April 26, 2022

Self-Employed Army Veteran Receives Rent Assistance as Costs Rise  

As the COVID-19 crisis continued into the second year and Americans began seeing double-digit increases in housing costs, veteran LaDena Ingram found herself in a bind.

In March 2021, her landlord notified her that she owed a significant amount of back rent. The landlord had not told her that the rent increased by $385 per month, and for three months she had underpaid. Meanwhile, the pandemic caused a decrease in her hours as a self-employed doula. Her twin daughters were turning 18, so her veteran benefits were lowering as well.  

“Later, they sent me a letter after the fact that my rent was raised,” she said. “I had no clue, and how am I supposed to pay for that?”  

She received a referral to Operation Homefront’s Critical Financial Assistance (CFA) program. She applied, and Operation Homefront funded close to $3,000 for rent, utilities, and food assistance.  

“Their donations helped me tremendously, especially at the height of COVID when everything was just so uncertain.” LaDena said.  

“Their donations helped me tremendously, especially at the height of COVID when everything was just so uncertain.” – LaDena Ingram, Army veteran

LaDena served her country for 11 years. She entered the Army in 2003. She was stationed in Korea away from her daughters, and the separation proved difficult. They were staying with her mom. In 2007, she left the military but, looking for stability to support her family, she joined again in 2008, this time the Army National Guard.  

In 2020, she began her business Doula D and Me. Her business was taking off when the pandemic hit. LaDena said even over a year later she remains grateful for the assistance. 

“I appreciate the donors tremendously; they will never know,” she said. “It came at the right time and was very much needed.” 

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