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Air Force 2011 Military Child of the Year

2011 MCOY Winner, Nicole Goetz, Shares Thoughts and Good Wishes We’re checking in with some of our 2011 Military Child of the Year Award winners about what the award meant for them.  This years winners will be announced March 8, 2012. Today, we’re hearing from Nicole Goetz,  USAF MCOY 2011: 1. My favorite part of winning the 2011 … Continued

Navy 2011 Military Child of the Year

2011 MCOY Winner, Melissa Howland, Shares Thoughts and Good Wishes We’re checking in with some of our 2011 Military Child of the Year Award winners about.  This years winners will beannounced March 8, 2012. Today, we’re hearing from Melissa Howland, NAVY MCOY 2011: My favorite part of winning the award was being recognized for doing … Continued

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