Just Announced: Operation Homefront 2025 Military Child of the Year® Award Recipients

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Holiday Meals for Military®

Operation Homefront understands the financial challenges that the holiday season can bring for deployed, wounded and veteran families, and we are committed to providing holiday help for veterans and their loved ones. We recognize that many military families are separated during this time due to deployments and others travel long distances to be together. Holiday Meals for Military is Operation Homefront’s way of saying thank you for the service and sacrifice that you have made for our country! Since the program began in 2010, and with the generous support of our partners the Holiday Meals for Military program has served over 750,000 individual family members.


The Holiday Meals for Military program was born from a chance to encounter in a supermarket in Utica, New York near Fort Drum. A soldier, his wife, and infant were in line with a handful of grocery items for their Thanksgiving meal.  At the register, the family realized they were short money and began to remove items from their cart. A Beam Global executive was in line behind them, and he paid the $12 total for their groceries. In talking to the family, the executive learned the soldier had just returned from deployment and was having trouble providing for his family due to some unexpected expenses.

From that chance meeting, Holiday Meals for Military was born. A pilot program was launched to distribute 500-holiday meal kits free to military families.

Since 2010, the program has grown every year. We are grateful to the tremendous partners who make it possible, by providing monetary support or by donating food items, venues to host events, storage space, shipping assistance, and valuable help in the form of volunteer engagement. 

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to support and volunteer for this remarkable program, which truly embodies the respect and appreciation that Americans hold in their hearts for the families who serve. By getting involved, you can contribute to providing much-needed holiday help for veterans and their families, ensuring they can experience a special and meaningful holiday season.


 Learn more about partnering with Operation Homefront.

 Learn more about how to volunteer.


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