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Family Story

Navy Veteran is Ready to Make Memories

By Operation Homefront

October 28, 2022

Navy Veteran is Ready to Make Memories in Her Forever Home

Sixteen years have passed since L. Nicole Henderson noted in her journal that she wanted to be a homeowner by age 35. It was a bold aspiration for a teen who had bounced from state to state and from relatives’ homes to homeless shelters and foster care with her six siblings. 

The day before her 35th birthday in early November, the Navy veteran and her 4-year-old daughter, MaLiyah, will move into a newly built home in Iowa Colony, Texas. The house is part of Operation Homefront’s Permanent Homes for Veterans program, and it’s made possible through the generosity of Meritage Homes.  

“I’m looking forward to making memories all around the home, especially in the kitchen,” she said. The mother-daughter team enjoys cooking and creating together. “I envision the kitchen as a place we can sit around and talk and have a good time.” 

She also anticipates the stability and security of having a forever home for her and her daughter. 

While participating in the program, Nicole will receive financial counseling to build savings, reduce debt, and improve credit. She also will learn skills for being a successful homeowner.  

Upon graduation from the program, Operation Homefront deeds the home to the family, mortgage-free. Since the permanent housing program began in 2012, almost 700 veteran families have received mortgage-free deeds to homes throughout the country. 

Nicole served 13 years in the U.S. Navy. Her career took her on deployments to the western Pacific, southern Pacific, and the Caribbean.  

She enlisted in the military after high school to escape poverty, even though it meant forgoing a scholarship to Florida State University. Nicole knew the military would provide a roof over her head, three meals a day, and two paychecks a month.  

As she faced transition to civilian life, she was recuperating from surgery to repair injuries caused by heavy lifting. She also was navigating MaLiyah’s chronic illnesses, and she and her husband separated.  

“More than anything, I look forward to having the comfort of knowing the home will be mine.” – Nicole Henderson, Navy veteran

A hospital counselor pointed Nicole to Operation Homefront and its Transitional Housing (Villages) program. The yearlong stay at the Village in San Diego, California, allowed Nicole to live rent-free, and enabled her to save money and pay down credit card debt.  

Since being medically retired in 2022, Nicole has been determined to become part of a community and give her daughter stability.  

“I never had childhood friends because we were always moving,” she said. “I want to give MaLiyah that foundation and let her have friends and grow in this community.”  

The Henderson family’s new location in the Houston suburb of Iowa Colony will put them near family and, importantly, near Texas Children’s Hospital where MaLiyah receives ongoing treatment for three congenital neurological defects that require frequent appointments and hospitalizations. 

Nicole plans to continue her studies to become a physician’s assistant and is pursuing a job with the U.S. Postal Service.  

She’s looking forward to celebrating MaLiyah’s fifth birthday later in November and gathering with her large family during the holidays.   

“Even when we had nothing, we were a gathering people,” said Nicole, adding that when all her mom’s children and grandchildren get together, the group totals 28 people. “The gift is us.”  

As she and MaLiyah settle into the 1800-square-foot single-story home, Nicole envisions carving out spaces for creating and meditating. 

“I want us to have places to paint and to relax and clear our minds,” she said. “Outside can be an entertaining space with a fire pit for making s’mores.”  

She’s eager to meet neighbors and become a community advocate.  

“More than anything, I look forward to having the comfort of knowing the home will be mine,” she said. 

Nicole’s gratitude for the opportunity runs deep.  

“To everyone who’s been involved … I have to say thank you. I’m extremely grateful,” she said. “I’m grateful they chose us and grateful they’ve asked us questions to make sure the home fits us and grateful for Operation Homefront’s help transitioning from military life to civilian life.”  

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