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Marine Corp 2015 Military Child of the Year Winner

This New Marine Has Accomplished Much in the Short Time Since Receiving a 2015 Military Child of the Year Award Christopher Rodriguez was our Military Child of the Year for the U.S. Marine Corps. Now a Marine himself, we had the chance to touch base with him to talk about his journey since we last … Continued

Where Are They Now: Nicole Goetz

Where Are They Now: A Visit with Nicole Goetz, MCOY, USAF, 2011 Nicole Goetz was our Military Child of the Year for the U.S. Air Force in 2011. We were honored to have Maggie with us this year in DC, helping to present this year’s MCOY award to our Air Force recipient. We also had … Continued

Where Are They Now: Military Child of the Year

Where Are They Now: A Visit with Maggie Rochon, MCOY, USCG, 2011 Maggie Rochon was our Military Child of the Year for the U.S. Coast Guard in 2011. We were honored to have Maggie with us this year in DC, helping to present this year’s MCOY award to our Coast Guard recipient.  We also had … Continued

Seven Amazing Military Children Go To Washington!

Last week, Operation Homefront hosted an activity-packed three-day celebration to honor our stellar Military Child of the Year Award® recipients.  And what an amazing three days it was! The 10th annual Military Child of the Year festivities kicked off Tuesday with our BAH Innovation Award recipient, Shelby Barber from Hawaii, touring the Innovation Center at … Continued

Life Outside the Comfort Zone

Fifteen-year-old Marine Corps Military Child of the Year® Award recipient Joshua Frawley likes to challenge himself, especially when doing so means others will benefit. Joshua has Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of high-functioning autism. People with Asperger’s often have difficulty with social interactions or need strict routines to thrive. All challenges that could have been overwhelming … Continued

Navy 2018 Military Child of the Year®

Gift of Grit: Isabelle Richards, Navy Military Child of Year® Award Recipient Isabelle Richards knows what it means to be a part of a military family. Not only is she the daughter of Senior Chief Petty Officer James Richards and Lorraine Richards, she has five older brothers, four of whom have served on active duty. … Continued

Air Force Teen Aims for the Sky, Yet Stays Grounded

As an Air Force child living in Europe for over a decade, Eve Glenn gained an appreciation for other cultures, people from diverse backgrounds, the importance of serving others around the globe, and … garlic mayonnaise? All her hard work putting others before herself, and studying science, technology, engineering and math must make her hungry. … Continued

2018 Innovation Award Recipient Loves Literature

Innovation Award Recipient Loves Literature, the Medical Field and Crumpets Avid reader Shelby Barber draws inspiration from a favorite author, the always quotable John Green of “The Fault in Our Stars” fame. “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?” This line from Green’s novel, “Abundance … Continued

National Guard Son Follows His Heart for Service

Listening to his father speak at a 9/11 ceremony in 2015 was a time Aaron Hall felt proudest to be a military child. Hearing his dad tell the audience that serving and inspiring others to serve are among the best ways to honor the lost lives made an impact on Aaron, and he has heeded … Continued

Trial By Fire

Rebekah Paxton was forced to grow up quickly. Our 2018 Army Military Child of the Year® Award recipient, Rebekah was confronted first-hand with the wounds of war when her father was injured as a combat medic in the 82nd Airborne Division. He served 19 years and, now medically retired, suffers from PTSD and traumatic brain … Continued

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