
Showing 113–120 of 120 results

  • Ohio

    Caregiving Army Veteran Looking for Help

    An army veteran is in need of assistance with his rent payment due to becoming the primary caregiver to his two brothers following the death of their parents. One brother is disabled, can't live on his own, and needs medicine that needs to be refilled every 10 days. This veteran also helped with his uncle's funeral and paid for transportation and food for the guests. He is overwhelmed with grief, bills, and needs a helping hand to get back on his feet.
    $1,044 still needed
  • Massachusetts

    Homeless, Veteran Family Needs Help to Move On

    Donating to a homeless army veteran family in need of financial assistance is a powerful way to help them embark on a fresh start. Unable to continue paying for the hotel they currently reside in, your contribution can provide the crucial resources they require to secure stable housing, employment, and a brighter future. By supporting these heroes who have sacrificed for our nation, you can make a significant impact in helping them regain their independence and build a stable, secure life.
    $1,450 still needed