Financial Assistance

Showing 49–60 of 60 results

  • Ohio

    Caregiving Army Veteran Looking for Help

    An army veteran is in need of assistance with his rent payment due to becoming the primary caregiver to his two brothers following the death of their parents. One brother is disabled, can't live on his own, and needs medicine that needs to be refilled every 10 days. This veteran also helped with his uncle's funeral and paid for transportation and food for the guests. He is overwhelmed with grief, bills, and needs a helping hand to get back on his feet.
    $1,044 still needed
  • Texas

    Dental Surgery Puts Strain on Active Soldier

    While bravely serving in the army, this resilient soldier now finds themselves navigating the challenging terrain of job hunting. Compounding the difficulties is the financial strain caused by unexpected dental surgery, where the soldier had to bear the burden of out-of-pocket costs. Despite the challenges, their unwavering determination and commitment his spouse securing a civilian career reflect the same dedication that characterized their military service.
    $375 still needed